Inspirational stories from those that are values-led, purpose-driven and human centred aiming to rise for good.

We’re at a juncture in society - how we work, how we live, how we engage in the economy and with the natural world. ‘Business as usual’ no longer applies.

To build more equality, better mental, physical and emotional well-being, healthy communities and a thriving planet to live on, we have to learn how to be in business differently.

Inspired to tell all-embracing stories of what it means to lead in today’s world, in 2018 Natalie embarked on a project to shine a light on brilliant people she knows that are leading lives, businesses and ideas in ways that may seemingly (or not!) be ‘unconventional’.

People that are values-led, purpose-driven, human-centred. People that are working on their own self-leadership.

Contributing to work places and businesses that are more human, have more heart, and more health.

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