Skip to Videos All | Embodiment | Developmental Coaching | Embodiment, The Non-Linear Movement Method® Uncovered: Living from the Inside Out Embodiment, The Non-Linear Movement Method® Uncovered: Embodying Desires and Dreams Developmental Coaching, Art Interpretation, Seeing Ourselves Well, and Coaching as a Quest | A Chat with Nat and Mac | 005 Embodiment, The Non-Linear Movement Method® Uncovered: A Chat with Natalie Goni Developmental Coaching, Subtle Awareness, Being Rude to Bots, and Mad Mac | A Chat with Nat and Mac | 002 Developmental Coaching, Coaching in Muddiness, Subject-Object Shift, and What is Sacred? | A Chat with Mac and Nat | 003 Developmental Coaching, The Power of Human Connection, AI Again, & Reflection and Space | A Chat with Mac and Nat | 004 Developmental Coaching, Vertical development, different coaching discourses, noticing more, and doing less | A Chat with Nat & Mac | 001