Day 1

As soon as I get onto the mat I notice how tight my jaw is, my back teeth literally biting down on one another, I soften my jaw. 

As I start to slowly move I notice the pressure and pleasurable pain at the top of my spine/base of my skull. It feels good to let my head hang and sway. 

My mind is busy, I want to remember everything I’m feeling so I can write it down, my brain wants me to pop out of my body and stay in my head. I tell myself to let it go. The thoughts rise and fall.

I feel a swell of emotion rise up to tingle the inside of my nose and the back of my eyes. I don’t know what it is. A feeling of tenderness and thankfulness that I’m here doing this, for my body. 

Resting feels difficult, I’m anxious to write my diary, I notice my mind grasping at how long the track is, I can’t remember. A little revelation about the feeling of control and not knowing how long the track is feels uncomfortable out of my control. With that I decide to let it go and be with not knowing. My thoughts soften and I drift into a dream for a few seconds or so, who knows. I realise that something I’ve been too focused on for quite a long time doesn’t need so much of my energy. 

My left foot twinges.

Practice duration: 30 mins

Tracks: Morgenåder by Sofie Birch / Cloud Forest by Ishq


Day 2


Introduction to 100 Days of NLMM®