Day 40
Early morning move, feeling the stiffness of my neck from a light night’s sleep.
I meet boredom and keep moving with it to see what’s underneath.
Playing the tension and contraction, my upper body and back wants to release. Pulling the muscles to grab my spine and letting go. Pulling in the navel and letting go.
My arms, shoulders, ribs move to release, I have the sensation of more space in my upper body which makes me think about how much I want to feel more space in my body, stretching my side body with the help of my arms, and feeling my ribs pull away from my waist.
My thoughts are busy, running in and out of conversations, news, plans, desires.
Emotion arises, sadness and anger then it disappears just as quickly.
Lying down in rest, I feel the relief and the unfurling of my hip flexors, sensation and warmth in my toes. Heartbeats, extra ones pump my chest. My mind is busy and my body feels relief.
Practice duration: 45 mins