Day 56

Vigorous. Releasing the head, the neck. Creating space.

Mind is clear, empty, just following feeling and sensations. Noticing the sound of the rain on the windows.

Calling in Fire and Will. Up on my feet, stopping, zombie like moves. Fatigue from all the stomping. Then down to the floor, grounding my heart. I feel warmer.

In rest I start planning a work assignment, let it go. Be here now. Sharp pin prick pain at the edge of my left ear, I want to touch my ear and make it go away, but resist the urge and stay with it, just experiencing the sensation, not a pleasant sensation but I’m curious about it. Heart responds with flutters. Drift off for a few moments, visions.

End feeling thankful for a longer practice today.

Practice duration: 40 mins


Day 57


Day 55